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Variants Mining Studio
SNP and Indel Mining Made Easy and Secure

Key Benefits
A central repository for all your millions of SNPs and Indels.
Data organized in project specific and/or organism specific (microbes, animals, plants, humans and more).
Hosted on your internal servers or any cloud servers.
No more data loss; No need to open on excel.
Web-based and user-friendly for anywhere and anytime on any device​​
All Variants Data and All Your Projects in One Place

Create the "Project" and "Organism" and upload the vcf files of SNPs and Indels and keep all your millions of SNPs and Indels in an organized way in one-place.
Serves as a central repository for all your SNPs and Indels and easy retrieval of mutation information quickly at anytime and anywhere to drive innovations.
Easy Upload

​Select the "Project" and the "Organism" from which the SNP and Indel data were generated
Either by clicking "Browse" or "Drag the files" and choose vcf files of SNPs and Indels.
Click "Save" for uploading the data.
SNPs and Indels from the vcf files will automatically be uploaded into "SNPs" and "Indels" tabs.
One Click Variants Data Mining

Just click "Explore" in the project of interest in the "Projects" tab.
The project and organism are already pre-selected, and all your SNPs will be
displayed on "SNPs" tab.
Click on the "Indels" tab to view all your Indels.
Versatile Search

Search the millions of SNPs and Indels in "SNPs" and Indels" tab by gene name, annotation effect, putative impact, chromosome number
With "Advanced Search", you can search by giving genomic location interval (For e.g. 10,000 - 30,000) to retrieve SNPs and Indels in that specific interval.
All Genotypic Data in One-Place

By clicking the "Chromosome" in the first column, you can find the "Genotype" calls of all your samples in homozygous or heterozygous state including missing data.
By clicking on the ">", you can find the annotation information of that specific locus.
Easy download of only the selected SNPs and Indels" at a specific genomic location
by clicking "Download".
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